Synopsis: Heartbreaking and exquisitely written, Colleen Hoover's novel, “It Ends With Us”, explores desire, lost loves, and second chances through a poignant love triangle. Lily, our strong-willed protagonist is a woman who has worked tirelessly- from building her life in Maine eventually to owning her own business in Boston. While living in Boston, she meets the charming neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid. Despite his aversion to relationships, they form a deep connection. Ryle is assertive, stubborn, and occasionally arrogant, yet he is also sensitive and brilliant, with a soft spot for Lily. As their relationship deepens, Lily begins to question what has caused Ryle’s reluctance to commit. Amidst these uncertainties, thoughts of Atlas Corrigan, her first love and a vital part of her past, resurface. When he unexpectedly reappears, the life Lily has carefully built with Ryle is put at risk. As Lily navigates the complexities of her feelings for both men, she must confront the ghosts of her past and the harsh realities of love. With “ItEnds With Us”, Hoover delivers a bold and deeply personal novel that is a heart-wrenching and unforgettable tale of love, sacrifice, and the ultimate price we pay for it.